Please visit go to my New Blog for I don't update this one anymore.
Earthquake in Naga City
It was 12:47 am on April 30, 2010 when an earthquake with a magnitude of 4.9 happened in South Luzon and Metro Manila. I personally experienced the strength of the earthquake. It is so far the strongest earthquake ever felt here in Naga City. It is felt at intensity III here while in metro manila, specifically in Pasay City, Muntinlupa City and in Quezon Province. it is felt at intensity II.
The epicenter is located at Naga City, Camarines Sur, thus resulting the Earthquake to have that intensity here. There was no immediate reports of accidents, lanslides, destructions. It's a blessing in disguise having this extreme heat because we happened to evade towns getting buried due to landslide.
Make Money Online No SCam
Peoplestring. It is a social site that lets you earn money in each log in and usage of your own account. Free log in. To earn more money, make more referrals.
Readbud - Another fun way to earn money online. You'll just read and rate. That's it.
Ebay - Buy goods at Ebay and sell at higher price.
Google Adsense - Make a website or a blog and place ads from google. Your earnings will come from people clicking the ads on your website. So, you should drive more traffic to your site for more income.
InfoLinks - This is an In-Text Advertising type of ads. Some texts of your blog/website will be in special underlined links. Your income will come from people clicking those infolinked texts. Click here to learn more about Infolinks.
Readbud - Make money while Learning
Click here to go Readbud home page.
Blogging is a good source of income. You express your feelings while earning. You share ideas to people, but what if blogging is not for you. You don't have passion to write. Here comes Readbud. You only have to read and and rate articles. You'll earn while learning. Readbud will give you several topics to choose from. In this way, you will only read articles that catch your interest. I was shocked, because most of the topics given to me are so interesting that I am willing to pay just for me to read them. You can skip articles you don't like but it'll be a waste of if you're after the money. Some may be tempted to scroll down fast and simply rate. You can do that but I'm pretty sure there's a hidden timer in every article that when you're suspected cheating, you'll be given less articles.
In 10 days, I earned $12.36 without any referral yet. You don't actually need to refer anyone to earn. You will only get $5 if you refer a person who successfully redeem money. To be able to redeem you need to earn $50. Everyday you can earn more than $1 if you read and rated all the articles given to you. You can choose what topics you're interested so you're going to have fun reading almost every article given to you. No worries, you're not obliged to read everyday. Just treat it as new source of infos.
People String - How to Maximize your Income Tutorial
Click here to sign up on People String
People String is a social network just like Facebook that you use everyday. You earn by using that site. This is not a scam. They pay you for using the site because more people can see the ads placed on the site. You can earn more money by referring your friends. You benefit from the income of your friends too. Moreover, you benefit from the referred people of your friends too. 6 levels of referrals give benefits to you. This will make you earn more. So the key is referring more friends and teaching them how to maximize their daily people points. People points will be explained on the videos below. You can claim your income through paypal. Sign up at paypal first. If you don't have a bank account it's fine. Let your cash accumulate at paypal first. Then, when you see your cash ready to be withdrawn at paypal, you can start a bank account and get an Eon card at Union bank(preferably because of cheap maintaining balance). It's cheap and I'm sure you have more to withdraw than to give. After having an account, you wont pay anymore, cash will just flow in your bank through paypal.
Here are some tips on how to maximize your income:
How to get 100 PeoplePoints (PP) each day...
The server at PeopleString resets every 12 hours, at noon and midnight. So you can follow these 5 steps below twice for a total of 100 PeoplePoints each day.
1. Login to your account. If you are logged in, log out and login every 12 hours. = 10 PP X 2.
2. Click on your PeopleString mailbox. = 10 PP X 2.
3. Do a Google Search. = 10 PP X 2.
4. Visit a merchant in the shopping area. No need to buy anything, just visit a store. = 10 PP X 2.
5. Click on your Mailbox/Cashbox link. Even if there are no offers at this time, you will still receive 10 points for checking. = 10 PP X 2.
Do this everyday and your PP will add up in a big hurry.
Step by Step Tutorial
1. Sign in to your people string account using your ID and password
2. Make PeopleString your home page by clicking make PeopleString myhomepage on the very top left of your home!
3. Insider tip: Try to log on to your PeopleString account at least a few times a day. You will see your people points accumulate faster when you do!
4. Then click on MAILBOX-CASHBOX in the lower middle of your homepage, follow the instructions and take the survey so you can get an immediate $1.50 credit and start building people points!
5. Next, on the right you will see MY MAIL click on the email you currently have (PeopleString, BigString, yahoo, Gmail, MSN, AOL) it takes you directly to your email account sign in page. Use your email as you normally would. You are now earning money every time you use this portal to get your email!
6. PeopleString email is simple and easy to use if you have questions contact
7. Also on the right you will see SOCIAL NETWORKS click on the social network site you want to go to (PeopleString, twitter, Facebook or my space) it will take you directly to the social network site. Use the site as you normally would. You are now earning money every time you use this portal to go to your social network!
8. If you use instant messaging below Social Networks you will see INSTANTMESSAGING. Simply click on the IM service you want to use (MSN, Yahoo, AIM or Gtalk) and use like you normally would. You are now earning money every time you use your PeopleString portal to use IM!
9. Want to earn some quick cash? Click on Make Some Cash in the PEOPLEDOLLARS box on the upper left of your home page.
10. Also you get points for using the Google search in the upper middle of the page.
11. This is a cool feature that people are using. You get cash rebates for shopping at thousands of stores. Here is an idea that people are using. Purchase a gift card from whatever stores you shop at. For example: go to Wal-Mart through the SHOPPING REBATE on the lower left of your homepage purchase a gift card and you get a 2% cash rebate for buying the gift card through your PeopleString portal. Right now Target is giving a 4% rebate!
13. Pass it on by sending everyone to your site to sign up so they can start making money and you can make even more money. Free members earn 5% of their direct referrals earnings and 2% of all earnings on levels 2 through 6. Entrepreneur members earn 20% of their direct referrals earnings and 6% of all earnings on levels 2 through 6. Which means Free members get .50 for everyone who signs up through their site and entrepreneurs get $40.00. You can upgrade to entrepreneur for $200.00 anytime. Also you make from 2% free members -6% entrepreneurs of everything they do.(mailbox-cashbox, shopping, people dollars)
Maximizing your income on People String - People Points Video
Maximizing your income on People String - People Points Video
Proofs of Payments from People String:
Pirates of the Caribbean 4 - On Stranger Tides
How lucky can we get! We have the chance to be entertained by bubbly and funny character of Captain Jack Sparrow in the upcoming movie, Pirates of the Caribbean 4. The first 3 series of the Pirates of the Caribbean are known to be blockbusters that earned more than $2.5 billion. Orlando Bloom and Keira Knightley who portrayed Will Turner and Elizabeth Swan, respectively, will not be on this film. Their characters had come up to an end, thus, the story will focus on other new ones that will make the film more interesting. However, these 2 movie stars have refused to be part of this movie again because that they now want to portray different roles. Captain Hector Barbosa will be played by Geoffrey Rush again, and so with Joshamee Gibbs that will be played by Kevin McNally. These are some of the remaining characters since part 1. I can say that this new Pirates of the Caribbean 4 have standards to meet; I'm pretty sure that they'll go beyond these expectations. Filming will start on June in Hawaii and Cornwall. The film is set to be released on May 20, 2011.
Learn Japanese in your car Free Download
These are audio files that you can listen to while relaxing, driving, cooking, or even working, depending on the nature of your work. These audio files are better than books obviously because the right pronunciation of phrases are given.
Learn in your car Japanese - Lesson 01 - Basics
Learn in your car Japanese - Lesson 02 - Basic Phrases.mp3
Learn in your car Japanese - Lesson 03 - Transportation Nouns.mp3
Learn in your car Japanese - Lesson 04 - Transportation Phrases.mp3
Learn in your car Japanese - Lesson 05 - Money.mp3
Learn in your car Japanese - Lesson 07 - Important Words.mp3
Learn in your car Japanese - Lesson 08 - Directions.mp3
Learn in your car Japanese - Lesson 09 - Numbers.mp3
Learn in your car Japanese - Lesson 10 - More Numbers.mp3
Learn in your car Japanese - Lesson 11 - Big Numbers.mp3
Learn in your car Japanese - Lesson 12 - Very Big Number.mp3
Learn in your car Japanese - Lesson 13 - At the Restaurant.mp3
Learn in your car Japanese - Lesson 14 - Shopping.mp3
Learn in your car Japanese - Lesson 15 - Time, General.mp3
Learn in your car Japanese - Lesson 16 - Time of Day.mp3
Learn in your car Japanese - Lesson 17 - Questions.mp3
Learn in your car Japanese - Lesson 18 - Shops.mp3
Learn in your car Japanese - Lesson 19 - Nouns.mp3
Learn in your car Japanese - Lesson 20 - Adjectives and Adverbs.mp3
Learn in your car Japanese - Lesson 21 - Verbs.mp3
Learn in your car Japanese - Lesson 22 - Prepositional Phrases.mp3
Learn in your car Japanese - Lesson 01 - Basics
Learn in your car Japanese - Lesson 02 - Basic Phrases.mp3
Learn in your car Japanese - Lesson 03 - Transportation Nouns.mp3
Learn in your car Japanese - Lesson 04 - Transportation Phrases.mp3
Learn in your car Japanese - Lesson 05 - Money.mp3
Learn in your car Japanese - Lesson 07 - Important Words.mp3
Learn in your car Japanese - Lesson 08 - Directions.mp3
Learn in your car Japanese - Lesson 09 - Numbers.mp3
Learn in your car Japanese - Lesson 10 - More Numbers.mp3
Learn in your car Japanese - Lesson 11 - Big Numbers.mp3
Learn in your car Japanese - Lesson 12 - Very Big Number.mp3
Learn in your car Japanese - Lesson 13 - At the Restaurant.mp3
Learn in your car Japanese - Lesson 14 - Shopping.mp3
Learn in your car Japanese - Lesson 15 - Time, General.mp3
Learn in your car Japanese - Lesson 16 - Time of Day.mp3
Learn in your car Japanese - Lesson 17 - Questions.mp3
Learn in your car Japanese - Lesson 18 - Shops.mp3
Learn in your car Japanese - Lesson 19 - Nouns.mp3
Learn in your car Japanese - Lesson 20 - Adjectives and Adverbs.mp3
Learn in your car Japanese - Lesson 21 - Verbs.mp3
Learn in your car Japanese - Lesson 22 - Prepositional Phrases.mp3
Get the Girl you like by using Cocky and Funny Technique
I know you tried so many stuffs just for the girl you like to notice you, be attracted to you, and desire you, you may wonder why they have failed. You may also be wondering what kind of special trick a mostguys have, especially those who seem to have much ideal luck with women. Some of them seem like jerks, yet they have women flocking all during them. It does not make sense to the average man who just wants to equate girls.
Being cocky and funny is the best way to get girls. There are a number of reasons for this. First, basically most women aren't attracted to men who are overly serious, or, even worse, dull and boring. These are the guys who get overlooked and turned down, no matter how nice, good-looking, or intelligent they may be. There is simply not anything there to spark the interest of a woman. Second, women are not attracted to men who timid or nervous. These characteristics show a man as being weak and ineffective. Women are attracted to enduring men.
Being cocky and funny is the exact converse of boring and timid. It will provide evidence the woman you meet that you are a source of a good time, and that she is the lucky girl to enjoy your exciting company. When your words and body language convey this, she will be the one dying to date you.
Getting rid of a timid nature and being cocky and funny instead also informs that you are a confident man. The man who is sure of himself and presents himself that way to women is the man all women find irresistible and desirable. You know who you are, what you want, and how is important to you. Not only will you succeed in grabbing the deliberation of any woman you want, you will succeed in keeping it.
Displaying a bit of cocky arrogance is a good thing in the dating world. It does not mean overly you experience to be obnoxious in order to get the attention of a fantastic woman, a little bit of cockiness is a sign of confidence and women find confident men sexy.
Being cocky and funny is the best way to get girls. There are a number of reasons for this. First, basically most women aren't attracted to men who are overly serious, or, even worse, dull and boring. These are the guys who get overlooked and turned down, no matter how nice, good-looking, or intelligent they may be. There is simply not anything there to spark the interest of a woman. Second, women are not attracted to men who timid or nervous. These characteristics show a man as being weak and ineffective. Women are attracted to enduring men.
Being cocky and funny is the exact converse of boring and timid. It will provide evidence the woman you meet that you are a source of a good time, and that she is the lucky girl to enjoy your exciting company. When your words and body language convey this, she will be the one dying to date you.
Getting rid of a timid nature and being cocky and funny instead also informs that you are a confident man. The man who is sure of himself and presents himself that way to women is the man all women find irresistible and desirable. You know who you are, what you want, and how is important to you. Not only will you succeed in grabbing the deliberation of any woman you want, you will succeed in keeping it.
Displaying a bit of cocky arrogance is a good thing in the dating world. It does not mean overly you experience to be obnoxious in order to get the attention of a fantastic woman, a little bit of cockiness is a sign of confidence and women find confident men sexy.
How to Develop the Mind of a Winner
Success begins with your mentality!
Well what do I mean by that statement, where is the proof to back that up.
This is what I have learnt from others who are earning the kind of income that attract most people to Affiliate/Network Marketing companies.
For these individuals success comes almost effortlessly. Their ability to focus is one of the main reasons for their extraordinary success in whatever they set their mind to. Question yourself: Do you know exactly what you want? How much do you want it? When do you want it by?
The good news is that it is possible to train your mind to think as if you are already successful. There are a number of ways in which you can do that, one way is what you're already doing by reading this very article. You are actively seeking to increase your knowledge, whether that is by reading EzineArticles, blogs, or books on personal development, marketing strategies etc. I have been reading these online articles and forum posts for over a year now, during which time I have learnt so much from people all over the world and I can honestly say it has helped me become successful in my online business. Another method is by repeatedly reading aloud your positive goals. These can be as simple as, I will be earning £300 per week starting next month, or, Everyday I become increasingly confident.
Now guys remember the Golden rule for any entrepreneur is keeping an open mind for new opportunities to arise. Without an open mind it is impossible to "see" opportunities that successful individuals can. Your aim is not to think like the majority of people who are ruled by fear of defeat, because the majority of people are not the millionaires and great business tycoons of our age, those individuals are in the minority and it's the mindset of these people you are trying to develop for yourself.
The most powerful force we have as human beings is the will to programme our minds, consciously and subconsciously. The things we tell ourselves whether spoken or just in our minds becomes our reality. That is why it is so important we ensure that only positive empowering thoughts enter our mind. We need to start taking control of our thoughts and how we let them affect us. You must become your greatest fan, the next time your bored or have a little spare time jot down on a piece of paper all the qualities you recognise as your strength's then on the same sheet write down your weaknesses, work on developing your weaknesses by one small activity each day. Soon you will find yourself growing increasingly more confident. True confidence is when you know who you are. You're comfortable in your own skin.
Lastly but of equal importance is your network. The old adage, choose your friends wisely does indeed ring true. Now I am in no way advocating you drop all your friends and only hang around entrepreneurs, what I am saying is choose who you spend most of your time with wisely. That's why I love Network Marketing; they give you instant access to a close knit team of like-minded entrepreneurs. Always remember your network will determine your net worth.
"Learn how a 21 year old HOMELESS KID went on to earn $3 Million Dollars in 27 months with the world's fastest growing development program." [] Article Source: |
Noynoy Aquino, our last best hope?
This is a blog about my political views and observations. If you think you'll get bored, you may not read this.
I'm not into politics. I don't care about politicians. I'm 20, but I'm not a registered voter yet. There's just this one politician that got my attention. I never seen a person who hunger for Presidency like this. He spent about 1 billion pesos just for Ads. He's courting illiterate people with his FREE HOUSE and LOT. He is courting young ones with his CAMPAIGN JINGLE. He is courting OFW's with the nonsense show--WOWOWEE. He has several commercials that are aired about 30 times per day. It would surely increase his rating because everyday there would be thousands who would believe that he is the solution to Poverty. I'm totally irritated when I'm watching TV and I'm expecting an interesting commercial but I would discover that the new commercial is another MANNY VILLAR CAMPAIGN AD. If you're not aware of how much a TV ad costs, visit this site
< How_much_does_tv_advertisi ng_in_the_philippines_cost>
A 30secs TV ad costs P500,000 every time it is aired. If you're going to scroll lower in that website, there's still an ad about manny villar omg. Now, where does he get money for ads? He's that rich to pay 1 billion pesos for ads? Ok he's that rich. Where would he regain those money? From us? Why does he hunger so much for Presidency? He can just show his platform in his commercials and let the people decide. I see him as a dictator forcing people indirectly to vote for him. He shows off his "accomplishments". Are these accomplishments really made for us or it's because he is really planning to run for president. I'm shocked when he manage to ask Dolphy, one of the highest paying actors, to campaign for him. If you would relate Manny Villar to a suitor, he is the one who courts by showing off his wealth, buying a girl jewelries to win her heart.
Now, as for Noynoy Aquino, I'm not a fan of this guy. I even say wtf to his commercial where he held a torch with other actors. They are walking. Then, he stopped and posed... The End. And I hate people who depend on their ancestors. But why do I consider him our last best hope? Philippines' main enemy is corruption. I'm not saying that Noynoy wont be a corrupt President, because I'm not sure. As for Manny Villar, I'm pretty sure that he's going to steal our money because of the reasons I have stated above. Noynoy doesn't promise too much, unlike villar. He just promised 1 thing--He is not going to steal our money. We have a good evidence for him to be impeached if he would do so. He is also carrying the NAME of his dad and mom that we can consider two of the Heroes in our history. I'm poor in history but I know that Ninoy and Cory fought bravely for this country. He wouldn't want to destroy that NAME for money. Thinking of other candidates, they maybe good, but voting them will just be giving more opportunity for this MAN-EVIL-LIAR(Manny Villiar) to win.
Si manny villar..... ang maghahakot ng atingggggggggggg... kayamanan....
I dont care if those who have been fooled by villar's commercials would be angry at me..
I've decided to write this blog because I'll still be living here for about 3 years.. so i still care for this country. :))
Vote wisely please. I regret being lazy to register.
I'm not into politics. I don't care about politicians. I'm 20, but I'm not a registered voter yet. There's just this one politician that got my attention. I never seen a person who hunger for Presidency like this. He spent about 1 billion pesos just for Ads. He's courting illiterate people with his FREE HOUSE and LOT. He is courting young ones with his CAMPAIGN JINGLE. He is courting OFW's with the nonsense show--WOWOWEE. He has several commercials that are aired about 30 times per day. It would surely increase his rating because everyday there would be thousands who would believe that he is the solution to Poverty. I'm totally irritated when I'm watching TV and I'm expecting an interesting commercial but I would discover that the new commercial is another MANNY VILLAR CAMPAIGN AD. If you're not aware of how much a TV ad costs, visit this site
A 30secs TV ad costs P500,000 every time it is aired. If you're going to scroll lower in that website, there's still an ad about manny villar omg. Now, where does he get money for ads? He's that rich to pay 1 billion pesos for ads? Ok he's that rich. Where would he regain those money? From us? Why does he hunger so much for Presidency? He can just show his platform in his commercials and let the people decide. I see him as a dictator forcing people indirectly to vote for him. He shows off his "accomplishments". Are these accomplishments really made for us or it's because he is really planning to run for president. I'm shocked when he manage to ask Dolphy, one of the highest paying actors, to campaign for him. If you would relate Manny Villar to a suitor, he is the one who courts by showing off his wealth, buying a girl jewelries to win her heart.
Now, as for Noynoy Aquino, I'm not a fan of this guy. I even say wtf to his commercial where he held a torch with other actors. They are walking. Then, he stopped and posed... The End. And I hate people who depend on their ancestors. But why do I consider him our last best hope? Philippines' main enemy is corruption. I'm not saying that Noynoy wont be a corrupt President, because I'm not sure. As for Manny Villar, I'm pretty sure that he's going to steal our money because of the reasons I have stated above. Noynoy doesn't promise too much, unlike villar. He just promised 1 thing--He is not going to steal our money. We have a good evidence for him to be impeached if he would do so. He is also carrying the NAME of his dad and mom that we can consider two of the Heroes in our history. I'm poor in history but I know that Ninoy and Cory fought bravely for this country. He wouldn't want to destroy that NAME for money. Thinking of other candidates, they maybe good, but voting them will just be giving more opportunity for this MAN-EVIL-LIAR(Manny Villiar) to win.
Si manny villar..... ang maghahakot ng atingggggggggggg... kayamanan....
I dont care if those who have been fooled by villar's commercials would be angry at me..
I've decided to write this blog because I'll still be living here for about 3 years.. so i still care for this country. :))
Vote wisely please. I regret being lazy to register.
What Makes People Fall in Love?
I. First Impressions
You Never Get a Second Chance at Love at First Sight
The first moments you spot your Quarry—and he or she gets a glimpse of you—can be decisive.
Herein lies a ''go/no go" decision. Scientists tell us that love's seeds are often sown during the first
few minutes of a relationship.
When two cats meet for the first time, they stop and look at each other. If one hisses, the other
bristles his coat and hisses
Page 10
back. However, if the first kitten gives a little nudge with its cold nose, the other kitten responds in
kind, and they wind up purring together and licking each other's coats.
A man and a woman getting to know each other are like two little animals sniffing each other out.
We don't have tails that wag or hair that bristles, but we do have eyes that narrow or widen. We
have hands that flash knuckles or subconsciously soften in the palms-up "I submit" position. There
are dozens of other "involuntary" reactions that take place in the first few moments of interaction.
The good news is that we can learn to control these presumed involuntary reactions.
The moment you set eyes on each other, your Potential Love Partner subconsciously reads the
subtleties of your body language. In these first crucial moments, he or she can unconsciously resolve
to try for romantic takeoff or abort thoughts of love. His or her mind then becomes computer-like,
and your PLP continues to make rapid decisions about you during your first conversation, your first
In Part One, we will cover techniques to lure Potential Love Partners into approaching you, into
liking you, and then into making a first date. I'll share scientifically sound methods of keeping the
conversation exciting and making the first date stimulating for your Quarry.
II. Similar Character, Complementary Needs
I Want a Lover Just Like Dear Old Me (Well, Almost)!
If you pass the first impressions test, you enter the second phase. Here your Quarry starts making
judgments about you as a Potential Love Partner. His or her subconscious mind is saying, "I want
someone like me. Well, almost like me."
If there is to be compatibility for a lifetime, or even for a date, some similarity is necessary. Our
hearts are finely tuned instruments that seek someone who has values similar to ours, who holds
beliefs similar to ours, and who looks at the world in more or less the same way we do. Similarity
makes us feel
Page 11
good because it confirms the choices we have spent our whole lives making. We also look for
people who enjoy the same activities so we can have fun together. Similarity is indeed a launch pad
for a good relationship takeoff.
But we get bored with too much similarity. Besides, we need somebody to make up for our lacks.
If we have no head for mathematics, who is going to balance the checkbook? If we are sloppy, who
is going to pick up our socks?
So we also look for complementary qualities in a long-term love partner. But not any
complementary qualities—only the ones we find interesting or that enhance our lives. Hence, we
seek someone who is both similar and complementary.
In Part Two, we will explore methods of planting subliminal seeds of similarity in your Quarry's heart
and ways to make him or her know that, even though you two are basically alike, you are different in
so many utilitarian, fun, and interesting ways.
III. Equity
The "WIIFM" Principle of Love
"Hey, baby, everybody's got a market value! Everybody wears a price tag." How pretty is she?
How much prestige does he have? How blue is her blood? How much power does he wield? Are
they rich, intelligent, nice? What can they do for me?
Does this sound ugly? Researchers tell us love is not really blind. Everybody—even the nicest
people—has a touch of crass when it comes to choosing a long-term partner. It's no different than in
the business world where everybody asks, "WIIFM?" What's in it for me?
I can hear some of you protesting, "No, love is pure and compassionate. It involves caring, altruism,
communion, and selflessness. That's what love is all about." Yes, that's what love is all about when
good people are truly in love. You've probably even met couples who are deeply devoted and
would sacrifice everything for each other. Yes, this kind of selfless love that we all dream of having
exists. But it comes later—much
Page 12
later. It comes only after you've made your partner fall in love with you.
If you want to make someone fall in love with you, researchers say, you must initially convince them
they're getting a good deal. We may not be conscious of it but, science tells us, tried and true market
principles apply to love relationships. Lovers unconsciously calculate the other person's comparable
worth, the cost-benefit ratio of the relationship, the hidden costs, the maintenance fee, and the
assumed depreciation. Then they ask themselves, "Is this the best offer I can get?" Everybody has
a big scorecard locked away in their heart. And, in order to make people fall in love with you, you
have to make them feel they're getting a very good deal.
Is all lost if you weren't born drop-dead gorgeous, or if your grandfather's name wasn't Vanderbilt
or Kennedy, or if you don't have the compassion of a Dr. Schweitzer? No. In Part Three, we will
explore silver-tongued verbal skills to replace the silver spoon that was never in our mouths when
we were born. In that way, we can satisfy some very choosy Quarry.
IV. Ego
How Do You Love Me? Let Me Count the Ways
At the blazing core of first romantic rumblings is ego. Perhaps Cupid misses the mark when he aims
his little arrow at Quarries' hearts. Science shows us where to really level our ammunition and take
fire—right at their egos. People fall in love with people in whose eyes they behold the most ideal
reflections of themselves.
Would-be lovers should be thrilled that ego makes the world go round, because Quarries' egos are
very vulnerable targets. There are multifarious ways to make your Quarry feel beautiful, strong,
handsome, charming, dynamic, or however he or she wants to feel. There are big-stroke
compliments, little-stroke caresses, and a myriad of deliciously devious means to make your Quarry
feel special. Subtle procedures can convince Quarries what they've suspected all along: "I am differ-
Page 13
ent. I am wonderful. And to thank you for recognizing this amazing fact, I'll fall in love with you.''
Everyone also hungers for security and validation. We seek protection in our primary relationship
from the cruel, cruel world. In Part Four, How to Make Anyone Fall in Love with You explores
ways to make your Quarry feel that you are the salvation—you are his or her safe harbor from the
storm of life.
V. Early-Date Gender-Menders
Is There Love After Eden?
Everyone smiled knowingly in 1956 when Rex Harrison moaned from the Broadway stage, "Oh,
why can't a woman be more like a man?" He knew his Fair Lady was a very different animal indeed.
But in the era following My Fair Lady, feminists cast serious doubt on his convictions.
Now, after many decades of pondering, presuming, and postulating on whether men and women
really differ in anything but their genitals, the envelope has been opened. The answer is—drumroll
please—yes! Men and women think and communicate in dramatically different ways.
Neurosurgeons can point to clumps of neurons in female brains that cause men like Henry Higgins in
My Fair Lady to call women "exasperating, calculating, agitating, maddening, and infuriating."
Scientists aim their needles at the molecules in the male brain that make women accuse men of being
"insensitive clods."
Despite the torrent of data flowing in about the genetic, cerebral, and sexual differences between
men and women, both Hunters and Huntresses continue to assume we think alike and persist in
courting each other in the way they'd like to be courted themselves. Perhaps recent scientific findings
will give men and women more insight into each other's style, but nothing short of a frontal lobotomy
could make a permanent change in which brand of neurons our brains give off. Women will continue
to be "exasperating," and men will still be "insensitive." And both will keep on communicating in
styles that turn each
Page 14
other off, especially on the first dates.
To avoid scaring off their prey before they bag it, serious big-game hunters know all the
characteristics and habits of deer, moose, caribou, bison, and wild hogs. Likewise, serious love
Hunters and Huntresses must be well versed in gender differences if they intend to make the kill.
Part Five briefs you on how to avoid the most common early-date turnoffs to make even the most
wary Quarry comfortable letting down his or her guard. Love-shy Quarry who usually take flight
when a man or woman gets too close will happily come within firing range of your arrow.
VI. Rx for Sex
How to Turn on the Sexual Electricity
Many books on how to turn on your partner make sex sound like flipping the switch on the
night-light next to your bed. "Press here to speed up orgasm. Stroke there for an extra charge." Yes,
sexuality is electricity, but your Quarry's bodily buttons only speed up or slow down the physical
functions. Mindpower is what drives the mighty machine and keeps it generating heat for many
years. The most erotic organ in your Quarry's body is his or her brain.
For details and how-tos, there is no lack of reference books. They have names like How to Drive
Your Man Wild in Bed, How to Drive Your Woman Wild in Bed, How to Drive Your Man Even
Wilder in Bed, and How to Satisfy a Woman Every Time and Have Her Beg for More. The list
goes on. Such manuals are replete with detailed data for women on how to tickle that spot just
below the "cute little helmet" to drive him out of his gourd. Men can examine idiotproof charts on
where to let their fingers do the walking so as to not miss the U-turn that leads to her G-spot.
All of this is important stuff—very important stuff. But when it comes to actually making somebody
fall in love with you, it pales in comparison to what I'll call brain fellatio—sucking the dreams, the
longings, and the fantasies out of your
Page 15
Quarry, and then creating a lifelong erotic aura that he or she luxuriates in.
Gentlemen, far more important for a woman than how many times you can "do it" in a week (or even
in a night) is the sensuality and passion you create in every aspect of your relationship. And the
sensations you give her every time you look at her. Ladies, far more important to a man than your
bra-cup size or the curve of your hips, is the size and curve of your sexual attitude and how you
deal with his individual sexuality.
No two sexualities are alike, just as no two snowflakes are alike. I will give you techniques to
uncover your Quarry's unique sexuality and then make love to him or her just the way he or she likes
it. In Part Six, we will explore the right kind of sex to make your particular Quarry fall in love with
Let us now embark upon our six-part journey, starting with what happens physically when we fall in
You Never Get a Second Chance at Love at First Sight
The first moments you spot your Quarry—and he or she gets a glimpse of you—can be decisive.
Herein lies a ''go/no go" decision. Scientists tell us that love's seeds are often sown during the first
few minutes of a relationship.
When two cats meet for the first time, they stop and look at each other. If one hisses, the other
bristles his coat and hisses
Page 10
back. However, if the first kitten gives a little nudge with its cold nose, the other kitten responds in
kind, and they wind up purring together and licking each other's coats.
A man and a woman getting to know each other are like two little animals sniffing each other out.
We don't have tails that wag or hair that bristles, but we do have eyes that narrow or widen. We
have hands that flash knuckles or subconsciously soften in the palms-up "I submit" position. There
are dozens of other "involuntary" reactions that take place in the first few moments of interaction.
The good news is that we can learn to control these presumed involuntary reactions.
The moment you set eyes on each other, your Potential Love Partner subconsciously reads the
subtleties of your body language. In these first crucial moments, he or she can unconsciously resolve
to try for romantic takeoff or abort thoughts of love. His or her mind then becomes computer-like,
and your PLP continues to make rapid decisions about you during your first conversation, your first
In Part One, we will cover techniques to lure Potential Love Partners into approaching you, into
liking you, and then into making a first date. I'll share scientifically sound methods of keeping the
conversation exciting and making the first date stimulating for your Quarry.
II. Similar Character, Complementary Needs
I Want a Lover Just Like Dear Old Me (Well, Almost)!
If you pass the first impressions test, you enter the second phase. Here your Quarry starts making
judgments about you as a Potential Love Partner. His or her subconscious mind is saying, "I want
someone like me. Well, almost like me."
If there is to be compatibility for a lifetime, or even for a date, some similarity is necessary. Our
hearts are finely tuned instruments that seek someone who has values similar to ours, who holds
beliefs similar to ours, and who looks at the world in more or less the same way we do. Similarity
makes us feel
Page 11
good because it confirms the choices we have spent our whole lives making. We also look for
people who enjoy the same activities so we can have fun together. Similarity is indeed a launch pad
for a good relationship takeoff.
But we get bored with too much similarity. Besides, we need somebody to make up for our lacks.
If we have no head for mathematics, who is going to balance the checkbook? If we are sloppy, who
is going to pick up our socks?
So we also look for complementary qualities in a long-term love partner. But not any
complementary qualities—only the ones we find interesting or that enhance our lives. Hence, we
seek someone who is both similar and complementary.
In Part Two, we will explore methods of planting subliminal seeds of similarity in your Quarry's heart
and ways to make him or her know that, even though you two are basically alike, you are different in
so many utilitarian, fun, and interesting ways.
III. Equity
The "WIIFM" Principle of Love
"Hey, baby, everybody's got a market value! Everybody wears a price tag." How pretty is she?
How much prestige does he have? How blue is her blood? How much power does he wield? Are
they rich, intelligent, nice? What can they do for me?
Does this sound ugly? Researchers tell us love is not really blind. Everybody—even the nicest
people—has a touch of crass when it comes to choosing a long-term partner. It's no different than in
the business world where everybody asks, "WIIFM?" What's in it for me?
I can hear some of you protesting, "No, love is pure and compassionate. It involves caring, altruism,
communion, and selflessness. That's what love is all about." Yes, that's what love is all about when
good people are truly in love. You've probably even met couples who are deeply devoted and
would sacrifice everything for each other. Yes, this kind of selfless love that we all dream of having
exists. But it comes later—much
Page 12
later. It comes only after you've made your partner fall in love with you.
If you want to make someone fall in love with you, researchers say, you must initially convince them
they're getting a good deal. We may not be conscious of it but, science tells us, tried and true market
principles apply to love relationships. Lovers unconsciously calculate the other person's comparable
worth, the cost-benefit ratio of the relationship, the hidden costs, the maintenance fee, and the
assumed depreciation. Then they ask themselves, "Is this the best offer I can get?" Everybody has
a big scorecard locked away in their heart. And, in order to make people fall in love with you, you
have to make them feel they're getting a very good deal.
Is all lost if you weren't born drop-dead gorgeous, or if your grandfather's name wasn't Vanderbilt
or Kennedy, or if you don't have the compassion of a Dr. Schweitzer? No. In Part Three, we will
explore silver-tongued verbal skills to replace the silver spoon that was never in our mouths when
we were born. In that way, we can satisfy some very choosy Quarry.
IV. Ego
How Do You Love Me? Let Me Count the Ways
At the blazing core of first romantic rumblings is ego. Perhaps Cupid misses the mark when he aims
his little arrow at Quarries' hearts. Science shows us where to really level our ammunition and take
fire—right at their egos. People fall in love with people in whose eyes they behold the most ideal
reflections of themselves.
Would-be lovers should be thrilled that ego makes the world go round, because Quarries' egos are
very vulnerable targets. There are multifarious ways to make your Quarry feel beautiful, strong,
handsome, charming, dynamic, or however he or she wants to feel. There are big-stroke
compliments, little-stroke caresses, and a myriad of deliciously devious means to make your Quarry
feel special. Subtle procedures can convince Quarries what they've suspected all along: "I am differ-
Page 13
ent. I am wonderful. And to thank you for recognizing this amazing fact, I'll fall in love with you.''
Everyone also hungers for security and validation. We seek protection in our primary relationship
from the cruel, cruel world. In Part Four, How to Make Anyone Fall in Love with You explores
ways to make your Quarry feel that you are the salvation—you are his or her safe harbor from the
storm of life.
V. Early-Date Gender-Menders
Is There Love After Eden?
Everyone smiled knowingly in 1956 when Rex Harrison moaned from the Broadway stage, "Oh,
why can't a woman be more like a man?" He knew his Fair Lady was a very different animal indeed.
But in the era following My Fair Lady, feminists cast serious doubt on his convictions.
Now, after many decades of pondering, presuming, and postulating on whether men and women
really differ in anything but their genitals, the envelope has been opened. The answer is—drumroll
please—yes! Men and women think and communicate in dramatically different ways.
Neurosurgeons can point to clumps of neurons in female brains that cause men like Henry Higgins in
My Fair Lady to call women "exasperating, calculating, agitating, maddening, and infuriating."
Scientists aim their needles at the molecules in the male brain that make women accuse men of being
"insensitive clods."
Despite the torrent of data flowing in about the genetic, cerebral, and sexual differences between
men and women, both Hunters and Huntresses continue to assume we think alike and persist in
courting each other in the way they'd like to be courted themselves. Perhaps recent scientific findings
will give men and women more insight into each other's style, but nothing short of a frontal lobotomy
could make a permanent change in which brand of neurons our brains give off. Women will continue
to be "exasperating," and men will still be "insensitive." And both will keep on communicating in
styles that turn each
Page 14
other off, especially on the first dates.
To avoid scaring off their prey before they bag it, serious big-game hunters know all the
characteristics and habits of deer, moose, caribou, bison, and wild hogs. Likewise, serious love
Hunters and Huntresses must be well versed in gender differences if they intend to make the kill.
Part Five briefs you on how to avoid the most common early-date turnoffs to make even the most
wary Quarry comfortable letting down his or her guard. Love-shy Quarry who usually take flight
when a man or woman gets too close will happily come within firing range of your arrow.
VI. Rx for Sex
How to Turn on the Sexual Electricity
Many books on how to turn on your partner make sex sound like flipping the switch on the
night-light next to your bed. "Press here to speed up orgasm. Stroke there for an extra charge." Yes,
sexuality is electricity, but your Quarry's bodily buttons only speed up or slow down the physical
functions. Mindpower is what drives the mighty machine and keeps it generating heat for many
years. The most erotic organ in your Quarry's body is his or her brain.
For details and how-tos, there is no lack of reference books. They have names like How to Drive
Your Man Wild in Bed, How to Drive Your Woman Wild in Bed, How to Drive Your Man Even
Wilder in Bed, and How to Satisfy a Woman Every Time and Have Her Beg for More. The list
goes on. Such manuals are replete with detailed data for women on how to tickle that spot just
below the "cute little helmet" to drive him out of his gourd. Men can examine idiotproof charts on
where to let their fingers do the walking so as to not miss the U-turn that leads to her G-spot.
All of this is important stuff—very important stuff. But when it comes to actually making somebody
fall in love with you, it pales in comparison to what I'll call brain fellatio—sucking the dreams, the
longings, and the fantasies out of your
Page 15
Quarry, and then creating a lifelong erotic aura that he or she luxuriates in.
Gentlemen, far more important for a woman than how many times you can "do it" in a week (or even
in a night) is the sensuality and passion you create in every aspect of your relationship. And the
sensations you give her every time you look at her. Ladies, far more important to a man than your
bra-cup size or the curve of your hips, is the size and curve of your sexual attitude and how you
deal with his individual sexuality.
No two sexualities are alike, just as no two snowflakes are alike. I will give you techniques to
uncover your Quarry's unique sexuality and then make love to him or her just the way he or she likes
it. In Part Six, we will explore the right kind of sex to make your particular Quarry fall in love with
Let us now embark upon our six-part journey, starting with what happens physically when we fall in
1. Touch her waist.
2. Actually talk to her.
3. Share secrets with her.
4. Give her 1 of your sweatshirts
5. Kiss her slowly.
Are you remembering these?
6. Hug her.
7. Hold her.
8. Laugh with her.
9. Invite her everywhere.
10. Hangout with her and your friends together.
11. Smile with her.
12. Take pictures with her.
13. Pull her onto your lap.
14. When she says she loves you more, deny it. Fight back.
15. When her friends say i love her more than you, deny it. fight back and hug her tight so she can't get to her friends. it makes her feel loved.
Are you thinking of someone?
16. Always hug her and say hi whenever you see her.
17. Kiss her unexpectedly.
18. Hug her from behind around the waist.
19. Tell her she's beautiful.
20. Tell her the way you feel about her.
One last thing you need to do to show her you actually do mean it.
21. Open doors for her, walk her to her car (if any)- it makes her feel protected, plus it never hurts to act like a gentleman.
22. Tell her she's your everything - ONLY if you mean it.
23. If it seems like there is something wrong, ask her- if she denies something being wrong, it means SHE DOESN'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT- so just hug her.
24. Make her feel loved.
25. Kiss her in front of OTHER girls you know
26. DON'T lie to her
27. DON'T cheat on her!
28. Take her ANYWHERE she wants
29. Text messege or call her in the morning and tell her have a good day at work {or school}, and how much you MISS her.
30. Be there for her when ever she needs you, & even when she doesn't need you, just be there so she'll know that she can ALWAYS count on you.
31. Hold her close when she's cold so she can hold YOU too.
32. When you are ALONE hold her close and kiss her.
33. Kiss her on the CHEEK: (it will give her the hint that you want to kiss her).
34. While in the movies, put your arm around her and then she will automatically put her head on your shoulder, then lean in and tilt her chin up and kiss her LIGHTLY.
35. Dont EVER tell her to leave even jokingly or act like you're mad. If shes upset, comfort her.
36. When people DISS her, stand up for her.
37. Look deep into her EYES and tell her you love her.
38. Lay down under the STARS and put her head on your chest so you can cuddle.
39. When walking next to each other grab her HAND.
40. When you hug her HOLD her in your arms as long as possible
41. Call or text her EVERY night to wish her SWEET DREAMS
42. COMFORT her when she cries and wipe away her tears.
43. Take her for LONG walks at night.
44. ALWAYS remind her how much you love her.
45. Sit on top of her and tell her how much u love her and then bend down to her face and kiss her while sitting on her.
46. Rub her back--feels good
47. Give her your coat if she's cold--thats always cute
48. Write letters on her back with your finger--feels good ;D
49. Let her sit on your lap
50. DON'T poke her hard...but if you want to mess around just do it lightly.
51. HOLD her HAND in PUBLIC.
52. Even if she looks BAD one day tell her she's BEAUTIFUL
53. Keep conversations about anything usually they just go along with it.
54. If their hair is in their face move it out of her face and then kiss her passionatley and gently.
55. Surprisingly sneek up on her and hug her from behind--loves it.
56. Kiss her in the rain.
57. Pick her up like in The Notebook and kiss her.
58. Slow dance with no music
59. Don't ignore her or be nerveous around her--everything is going to be okay.
60. Love her, kiss her, hold her, and you'll be good to go.
Reading body language
Body Language Signals:
• Open arms:
o Energetically open and possibly feeling vulnerable
o A good way to show you are approachable, especially when
combined with open palms
• Palms up/open hands:
o Defences down
o An open heart
• Palms on chest – When a person uses open palms that occasionally
touch their chest, they are signalling honesty
• Outward, upward hand movements – This conveys an open and
positive message
• Folded arms:
o A defence mechanism that shows the person is not open to what
is being said or done
o May mean rejection
o Physically cold
o Stubborn in their outlook
• Hands closed – A closed heart
• Doodling – Bored
• Fist:
o Anger and to be avoided
o Physically cold
o Very tense
o Defiant or triumphant when held in air
• Feet under the chair – A sign of eagerness
• Looking around:
o Wants to get away
o Thinking about something else
o Bored with situation/conversation
• Stroking chin – evaluating
• Mirroring – This is evidence of two people getting on really well.
Each person copies the other’s body language, usually subtly.
Mirroring occurs with:
o Breathing
o Gestures
o Eye movement
o Leaning towards each other at the same time
o Crossed or uncrossed legs
o Speech pattern
o Arm movement, or no arm movement
o Emotive energy such as being excited, relaxed, etc.
Note: If you practice this with somebody the key is to be subtle and
not be a copycat. There is a natural rhythm to the process, which is the
• Yawning:
o Bored
o Tired and that may have nothing to do with the
• Preening – This shows someone knows they are attractive
For example, flicking or stroking their hair or adjusting a collar and/or
a tie.
• Ear Tugging:
o Indecision
o Possible deception
• Puffing out chest – this has nothing to do with silicone implants. Men
do this when demonstrating their attraction to someone.
• Nodding – The occasional nod from a listener to a speaker is a
positive message. It is an indication they are listening and are
• Too much nodding – This indicates the listener has lost interest and
may be bored. (Probably where the saying ‘nodding off to sleep’ came
• Chopping hands down – This is an aggressive act, usually used to
• Body space – Respect for the other person’s body space is crucial in
gaining their trust. Stay at least one arm’s length away from them.
• Striding briskly:
o An outward display of confidence
o Anger
• Gentle leg shaking:
o The person is mildly stimulated
o May need to go to toilet
• Vigorous leg shaking:
o Reveals apprehension and nerves
o Desperate to go to the toilet
• On toes – Eagerness
• Clears throat:
o Has a cough/sore throat
o Habit
• Pretends to kick imaginary things on ground - frustration
• Open feet – reflecting and giving attention.
• Flushed cheeks:
o Indicates interest in the other person
o Embarrassment (usually temporary)
• Dilated pupils:
o Interested in someone.
o Focussed
o High on drugs
• High blink rate:
o A person who has an interest in someone will have an increased
blink rate.
o Nervousness
o Assessing
o Has an eye disorder
• Backwards moving:
o Rejecting
o Escaping
• Moving away – Sometimes there is no hidden meaning.
• Slumped posture:
o Bored
o Low self-esteem/confidence
• Legs entwined – A woman who is interested in someone will often
cross and uncross her legs when seated.
• Gazing – A woman will gaze long enough for someone to notice then
will quickly look away. Her mouth may open and lips slightly wet.
• Low voice – When interested in someone a woman may speak in a
low voice.
• Running hand along leg – sexually interested in the other person
• Running hands along legs:
o Really sexually interested in the other person
o Getting ready to leave
• Directly facing you with open stance – The person is interested and
you have their attention.
• Drumming fingers:
o Impatient
• Open arms:
o Energetically open and possibly feeling vulnerable
o A good way to show you are approachable, especially when
combined with open palms
• Palms up/open hands:
o Defences down
o An open heart
• Palms on chest – When a person uses open palms that occasionally
touch their chest, they are signalling honesty
• Outward, upward hand movements – This conveys an open and
positive message
• Folded arms:
o A defence mechanism that shows the person is not open to what
is being said or done
o May mean rejection
o Physically cold
o Stubborn in their outlook
• Hands closed – A closed heart
• Doodling – Bored
• Fist:
o Anger and to be avoided
o Physically cold
o Very tense
o Defiant or triumphant when held in air
• Feet under the chair – A sign of eagerness
• Looking around:
o Wants to get away
o Thinking about something else
o Bored with situation/conversation
• Stroking chin – evaluating
• Mirroring – This is evidence of two people getting on really well.
Each person copies the other’s body language, usually subtly.
Mirroring occurs with:
o Breathing
o Gestures
o Eye movement
o Leaning towards each other at the same time
o Crossed or uncrossed legs
o Speech pattern
o Arm movement, or no arm movement
o Emotive energy such as being excited, relaxed, etc.
Note: If you practice this with somebody the key is to be subtle and
not be a copycat. There is a natural rhythm to the process, which is the
• Yawning:
o Bored
o Tired and that may have nothing to do with the
• Preening – This shows someone knows they are attractive
For example, flicking or stroking their hair or adjusting a collar and/or
a tie.
• Ear Tugging:
o Indecision
o Possible deception
• Puffing out chest – this has nothing to do with silicone implants. Men
do this when demonstrating their attraction to someone.
• Nodding – The occasional nod from a listener to a speaker is a
positive message. It is an indication they are listening and are
• Too much nodding – This indicates the listener has lost interest and
may be bored. (Probably where the saying ‘nodding off to sleep’ came
• Chopping hands down – This is an aggressive act, usually used to
• Body space – Respect for the other person’s body space is crucial in
gaining their trust. Stay at least one arm’s length away from them.
• Striding briskly:
o An outward display of confidence
o Anger
• Gentle leg shaking:
o The person is mildly stimulated
o May need to go to toilet
• Vigorous leg shaking:
o Reveals apprehension and nerves
o Desperate to go to the toilet
• On toes – Eagerness
• Clears throat:
o Has a cough/sore throat
o Habit
• Pretends to kick imaginary things on ground - frustration
• Open feet – reflecting and giving attention.
• Flushed cheeks:
o Indicates interest in the other person
o Embarrassment (usually temporary)
• Dilated pupils:
o Interested in someone.
o Focussed
o High on drugs
• High blink rate:
o A person who has an interest in someone will have an increased
blink rate.
o Nervousness
o Assessing
o Has an eye disorder
• Backwards moving:
o Rejecting
o Escaping
• Moving away – Sometimes there is no hidden meaning.
• Slumped posture:
o Bored
o Low self-esteem/confidence
• Legs entwined – A woman who is interested in someone will often
cross and uncross her legs when seated.
• Gazing – A woman will gaze long enough for someone to notice then
will quickly look away. Her mouth may open and lips slightly wet.
• Low voice – When interested in someone a woman may speak in a
low voice.
• Running hand along leg – sexually interested in the other person
• Running hands along legs:
o Really sexually interested in the other person
o Getting ready to leave
• Directly facing you with open stance – The person is interested and
you have their attention.
• Drumming fingers:
o Impatient
Dating Rules for Success

Rule 1: Always be confident in yourself - MAIN RULE!
Rule 2: Relax - be totally calm - act like u dont need her
Rule 3: Be Cocky and Funny - be outgoing and have fun AND BE FUN TO BE AROUND - be charming/gentleman
Rule 4: Don't get emotional even if the woman does - women will test you - nothing to be insecure about
Rule 5: Lead in the relationship - Always be a man - IE Dad - say things like "you do what you wanna do"
Rule 6: Live an active and full life - you come first - plenty of fish in the sea - Always keep busy
Rule 7: Don't rush the dating process - build the mystery - forcing repells attraction
Rule 8: Let things go, the past is the past - but always tell it as it is - no hangups!
Rule 9: Don't write sappy emails ever, never write anything because of fear or insecurity
Rule 10: Girls find a guy hot when he has a plan for life - IE I told a girlfriend about my dreams for life
Rule 11: Don't apologize for the sake of apologizing - Don't apologize if you've done nothing wrong
Rule 12: First Date Advice - Lean Back Relax Don't Be Nervous, Be Confident, Funny, Cocky, But Don't Take It Too Far!
Rule 13: No matter how funny or cocky you are, treat sex with respect. If you do have sex with a girl, make it special, like she's the only one that matters.
Defense of the Ancient (DOTA) Addiction Causes and Treatments

Dota Allstars is just a map under the game Warcraft. It is considered to be a strategy game that can be played 1v1 to 5v5. The game is played by controlling your chosen hero. Every heroes has unique combination of skills and it is utilized to beat the opponent/opposing team. The game takes place in a medium size map that has 2 sides, the Sentinel and the Scourge. The Sentinel has a World Tree that the players should protect while the Scourge has a Frozen Throne that they should also protect. Both sides have 3 lanes with 3 towers each. These towers are protectors of the base that opposing team should destroy the towers first before they can attack the protected World Tree/Frozen throne. Though the goal is to destroy the Main Base, killing the opposing heroes is a must 99% of the time because they will be there to defend the towers. They have powerful skills too that are dangerous so killing them should be considered in playing this game. Dota became more popular and addicting than the other Warcraft Maps because of several things a player can experience in the game.
Why Dota is so Addicting?
- DotA is easy to play.
- DotA makes the players think that they are the heroes they are playing. A player would ofter say, "I died" when his hero dies.
- DotA lets you experience a different kind of team play. Due to heroes having different skills, the "combo" of the team will be always different, thus making the game have various ways of winning.
- You can get popular among your friends or even all around the world if you are a great player.
- After the game, you will always have something to talk about and it adds to the fun.
- There are several skills you should practice in order to be the best in this game. Controlling your hero in any direction should be a basic one. Giving the last shot in every creep that are dying can be considered a skill because newbie players will have difficult time doing it. Memorizing the hotkeys of every spells the heroes possess. Another important skill in playing this game is supporting. Under supporting, placing observer wards, timing when to place them, places where to place them, timing of using skills. Team fights awareness and a lot more should be practice to be a great player of this game.
- A player can use this game to release anger by killing and beating the heck out of the other team.
Some remedies I can suggest to stop this addiction:
- First of all, accept the fact that you are really addicted in this game.
- Think about the wasted hours you spent playing this game. Playing for fun is OK, but if you're going to play for a career or for this "ladder". (Ladder is the term used for having records of won and lost game.) People tend to play 24/7 to have a great number of wins to show off the people in the internet through Garena. They feel good having those stats but they are only numbers. You don't get anything from it. It didn't increase your knowledge, nor made you a better person.
- Find successful people whom you can consider an inspiration. You'll realize that there are better things to focus on than that game.
- Find other things to do that can make you productive and let you have fun too. (e.g. cooking)
- Hang out with other friends than your gaming friends. You may discover new things you may like.
- Always try your best to resist playing the game. It's still you who can cure yourself.
DotA Allstars Strategies
(i named them based on their nature of play)
1st: Mass Disable Strategy
--- This strategy begins with the heroes themselves. You pick heroes that stuns, slows, holds, or silences enemy heroes that result the opposing heroes to be useless even though they farmed up a lot. This strategy have 3-5 heroes with a lot of disable.
line up e.g.
Shadow Shaman
2nd: Combo Strategy
--- This strategy is an old one. All 5 heroes would have a typical combo to wipe out the entire enemy team in one execution. The heroes in this strategy usually contain deadly aoe ultimates.
line up e.g.
Sand king
Trent Protector
3rd: Gank and Farm Strategy
--- There will be a hitter(heroes that rely on normal attack dps) hero to wipe out the entire team and there will be supports to gang bang the enemy heroes that are harassing the carry hero/es of the team.
line up e.g.
Sand king
Spec <=== the carry
4th: Spam Strategy --- This is what the pros are doing recently. They don't rely on having a main hitter on their team. I called it spam strategy because all of the heroes have skills that are painful. Disablers are there too basically to set up the play. Usually the play here is owning the opponent as early as at their lanes. line up
5th: Turtling Strategy --- This is somewhat the same with gank and farm strategy only that this strategy doesn't rely on killing the enemy to have their carry farmed up.. The strategy is to delay the enemies on their pushes by killing all the creeps that would tank the tower. I know this won't work to pros but it's effective if combined with other strats. line up
(noob line up ei? i made it pure turtling with a carry hero)
6th: Axe Early Ownage --- This strategy requires... axe?.. lol.. Axe is accompanied with a healer(warlock usually) and another hero to support him. They positioned at the strong lanes of the opponent ahead the 1st tower. This strategy is made to delay the opponents level and also to push early and let the team enjoy the gold. Then, axe will do this on every towers one by one.. I'm sure you watched a game like this.. line up e.g. playing scourge top: solo zeus mid: tinker bot: axe cm wl
7th: Triple Push --- I saw this once executed very well by MYM.. It was when dagger was still available even when you're being damaged. This strategy requires heroes who have skills that wipe out enemy creeps fast. 1st you would push all the outer towers together.. then, decide on who are the hero/es that will push the top lane, mid lane, and bottom lane. This strategy is deadly back in 6.48b. The heroes would clear up every lane's creep then the enemy heroes will defend a lane, if they are defending e.g. bottom lane, the heroes on top and mid lanes will proceed with damaging the tower.. then back if the enemy respond.. then do it again.. slowly, you are destroying all they're towers. I remember the time when our team imitated this strategy, our enemies quit. This strategy is helpful when having opponents that possess deadly aoe ultimates.. They can use it but not on the entire team.. and while they're executing it, their towers are being destroyed.. but be sure to farm for buy outs and travel to continue pushing.. ;)
line up e.g. (from MYM)
you can watch this replay here
8th: The Level 1 Roshan Kill
--- This strategy is to have level and money advantage along with the aegis of immortal for one hero.. It's dangerous though and can easily be countered by placing observer ward early near roshan's den. :D
line up e.g. (from
you can watch it here
8th: The Level 1 Roshan Kill
--- This strategy is to have level and money advantage along with the aegis of immortal for one hero.. It's dangerous though and can easily be countered by placing observer ward early near roshan's den. :D
line up e.g. (from
you can watch it here
--- This is played by having a lane with 3 heroes from the start of the match. They will try to dominate the lane at once while the other 2 heroes on the other lanes get the advantage of having greater exp and gold. The 2 solo heroes are preferably heroes that can farm against 2 heroes in case the opponent go for 2-1-2 lane. The lane with 3 heroes should be disablers and spammers. Better Chemistry of the heroes leads to higher rate of winning the lane.
example line up:
sentinel lane:
top: Morph
mid: SF
bot: Sven CM ES
i wanna know if there are other strategies i may have not wrote.. or i haven't encountered or seen yet.. thanks.
i wanna know if there are other strategies i may have not wrote.. or i haven't encountered or seen yet.. thanks.
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